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STAR: Topdeck a good card from Reserve. TOP: Negate black humans. You may banish up to X evil cards from a discard pile. May band to a meek gold Hero. BOTTOM: Meek
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LoC: Zadok, the Consummate / Zadok, the Unassuming
STAR: Draw X (limit 3). TOP: Negate pale green humans. You may banish 3 evil cards from discard pile to discard an idol, Site or evil Fortress. BOTTOM: Meek
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LoC: Azor, the Recusant / Azor, the Submissive
STAR: If you control a meek Hero, draw 1. TOP: Negate brown humans. You may take an Ezra card from Reserve (or deck if an evil card is in opponent’s banish pile). BOTTOM: Meek
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LoC: Eliakim, the Expatriate / Eliakim, the Restored
STAR: Topdeck a meek Hero from Reserve. TOP: Negate crimson humans. Look at the top X cards of deck: You may take 1 (or 2 if an evil card is in a banish pile). BOTTOM: Meek
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LoC: Shealtiel, the Heir / Shealtiel, the Exilarch
STAR: Topdeck an antediluvian from deck. TOP: If blocked, select X random cards from hand: You may convert this card to meek to add a selected Genesis card to battle. BOTTOM: Meek
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LoC: Methuselah, the Wise / Methuselah (His Death Brings)
STAR: Topdeck a patriarch from deck. TOP: You may bounce a Genesis Hero and/or resurrect a patriarch (or a meek blue Hero). May band to Jacob. BOTTOM: Meek
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LoC: Leah, Weary-Eyed / Leah, God's Choice
STAR: Topdeck a blue card from Reserve. TOP: You may bounce a character with strength greater than 2. May band to Hezron or a meek Hero. BOTTOM: Meek
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LoC: Perez, the Younger / Perez, Bursting Forth
STAR: Topdeck Esau and Jacob from deck. TOP: You may convert your patriarch to meek to draw 2. You may exchange this card with Jacob from hand or territory. BOTTOM: Meek
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LoC: Rebekah, the Bride / Rebekah, the Barren
STAR: Discard a Curse. TOP: You may take Noah (or topdeck a * Hero) from deck. You may reserve your meek Hero to discard a Curse. BOTTOM: Meek
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LoC: Lamech, Rest Seeker / Lamech (The Despairing)
STAR: Topdeck an animal from Reserve. TOP: You may play Jacob and/or Esau from deck or Reserve. If an animal or a meek Hero is in play, you may draw 2. BOTTOM: Meek
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LoC: Isaac, Willing Sacrifice / Isaac, the Blessed
STAR: Topdeck an Artifact from Reserve. TOP: You may bounce an Artifact or play a Lost Soul from a deck. Cannot be negated if you control a meek Hero. BOTTOM: Meek
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LoC: Eber, the Unwilling / Eber, the Prototypal
STAR: Topdeck a meek Hero from Reserve. TOP: If Abel (or a meek Hero) is discarded, you may add this card or your meek Hero to battle. Limit once. May band to Enosh. BOTTOM: Meek
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LoC: Seth, Son of Adam / Seth (Appointed)
STAR: Resurrect a meek blue Hero. TOP: Negate an evil or neutral card in play or set aside area. May band to a patriarch. Cannot be interrupted. BOTTOM: Meek
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LoC: Judah, the Leader / Judah, the Substitute
STAR: Bounce a meek or Genesis Hero. TOP: You may topdeck a blue Genesis Enhancement from discard pile. Cannot be negated if you control a meek Hero. BOTTOM: Meek
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LoC: Hezron, the Enclosed / Hezron, the Surrounded
STAR: Topdeck a blue Covenant from deck. TOP: Protect Noah from lone Evil Characters. May band to a flood survivor or meek Genesis Hero. BOTTOM: Meek
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LoC: Shem, Covenant Keeper / Shem, Faithful Son
STAR: Bounce a meek blue Hero. TOP: If a good Genesis card you own is topdecked, you may draw 1. May band to a meek Genesis Hero. BOTTOM: Meek
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LoC: Reu, the Shepherd / Reu, the Friend
STAR: Play a Lost Soul from a deck. TOP: Protect meek Genesis Heroes from the first evil Enhancement played by an opponent each battle. BOTTOM: Meek
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LoC: Nahor, the Scorched / Nahor, the Noble
STAR: Discard an evil Enhancement. TOP: If you control a meek antediluvian, you may play a Lost Soul from a deck. Protect Lost Souls from evil cards. BOTTOM: Meek
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LoC: Mahalalel, the Interpreter / Mahalalel (Blessed God)
STAR: Take a blue card from discard pile. TOP: While you control a meek Hero, negate opponents’ neutral cards. If attacking, you may draw X (limit 3). BOTTOM: Meek
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LoC: Enosh, the Worshiper / Enosh (Mortal)
STAR: Look at a hand or a Reserve. TOP: After battle, discard an evil male. May band to Judah and/or you may play meek Perez from deck or Reserve. BOTTOM: Meek
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LoC: Tamar, the Widow / Tamar, the Righteous
STAR: Negate other * abilities in hands. TOP: Negate evil multi-brigade and evil territory class cards. May band to a meek Genesis Hero. BOTTOM: Meek
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LoC: Peleg, the Divider / Peleg, the Tributary
STAR: Topdeck a blue card from Reserve. TOP: First strike. You may draw 1. May band to Mahalalel. Cannot be negated if you control a meek Genesis Hero. BOTTOM: Meek
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LoC: Kenan, the Acquirer / Kenan (Sorrow)
STAR: Play a Lost Soul from a deck. TOP: You may reserve your meek Hero to discard an Artifact or evil Enhancement. You may bounce a patriarch in a territory. BOTTOM: Meek
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LoC: Terah, the Delayed / Terah, the Wanderer
STAR: Negate Lost Souls until end of turn. TOP: Prevent the next Enhancement played, unless it is used by a meek character. May band to a meek blue Hero. BOTTOM: Meek
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LoC: Serug, the Branch / Serug, the Pruned
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